The Idoru - Hungary = Sziget = Woman = Cheap = Beer = Food = The Idoru
When I saw The Idoru was coming to the Netherlands I asked the band to do an interview. They didn't like the 'oral presentation' so here is a mail conversation between Tibor and Tibor. Read it, buy their album and go see their show.

For the people unknown to The Idoru, please tell us something about the band.

For the people unknown to The Idoru, please tell us something about the band.
Hi everyone out there! First of all, we are so glad about getting a chance to tell something about our band to the webzine of my name brother dude 'Tibor'. Actually 'The Idoru' is a young band formed about 2 years ago. There plays three guys who used to play in the band called 'Newborn', some of you might heard this name before. The 'musicians' in 'The Idoru' were playing on instruments for about 10 years except the youngest member who began the rock'n'roll life just some years ago, of course I'm talking about the singer, hehe...We neither represent big ideas such as straight edge or political things nor want to save the world or disturb anyone's brain with our message. The Idoru is just a rock band that would like to spread its name and reach as far as it can.
The Idoru has got its roots in Hungary, what is the music scene like over there?
We have some really talent musicians, bands and the audience getting wider striving for great shows. The only problem is the low salary in our country. If you decide to sacrifice yourself to music, then sooner or later you will find yourself opposite of a barrier, namely the high price of decent instruments. The lack of good equipments, good sound you might be killed easily if you want to cross the borders and play abroad. Especially out there in the west, cause everyone there is well equipped. Not to mention the studio costs that are beyond our reach. If a band from the eastern area manages to get over this difficulties, only that group will get a chance to prove its potential.
What was the process like to get a record deal?
First we were released by a Japanese label called Alliance-Trax, and then not much later we made our first longer tour in Japan so everything went fine there. However we played some successful shows in Europe before, just a few kids knew of our existence. About the end of the year we got in touch with the guy from Burning Season Records whom I and Matt (bass) had already worked with in the past. This buddy had the courage to buy the license and now he is trying to rebuild this label. Cool!
Metalrage received your album quite some time ago and we really loved it. Your album is now officially released. What is the feeling within the band at this moment?
We are very glad. From now on our march turns easier because we released this album. I’m really proud of those who helped us till now, without them we would be crippled for sure. Our asses are saved for a time and it’s a must to show them it was not in vain.
This month you are going to tour Europe, after Japan this must feel great, are you looking forward to this experience?
Yeah, that makes our heart beat these days, and we are preparing for this adventure. But unfortunately I had an accident for a week ago and I broke one of my ribs. Within some days it will be healed and still is the question if I can be a part of the first two weeks, but honestly I don’t want to leave the others without “solo guitarist” for that long. By the way, our special guest is Silent Express from Holland! So check us out if you guys feel like, cause there are some stations in the Netherlands.

Your guitar is really present in the music of The Idoru, what is the main reason for this?
I have a lot of 'special' guitar part ideas in my head and trying to deliver it to yours in order to free my mind under the pressure! Hehe. I feel a lot of creativity, that's all, not a specific reason.
The sound of the record is very professional, what was the recording process like?
We worked together with a sound engineer who belong to the bests in Hungary. Our stuffs have recorded in a middle-quality studio, so the better sound due to the sound guys. But you know how it goes. After a while you will be unsatisfied with your previous creation, and you are on that making something better. More precious and deathless work. The most handsome melodic throat kid in town Andy made the artwork of the cover. What a luck, he is a designer!/of course he is our singer…/
You are also playing in some other bands, one of them is Blind Myself. How are you handling these two bands? (And why was the show in Amsterdam cancelled last February?)
You know one of the most precious parts maybe the only one hehe- in me is creativity and at once I have hit upon the music. I like harder and softer stuffs as well, so with both bands I can express who I am. All my life is formed to music activities, but to tell the truth this is the only way you can hold your ground in touring bands. About the Blind Myself show in Amsterdam, it had been cancelled cause of different problems, but we are planning to recover it!
Some news: Lac/drummer/ is also joined to Blind Myself, cause the BM drummer quit with the band. He didn’t want to be the part of the crushing anymore…poor him! After all “The BLINDORU” was born!
What are the plans for the future? Are there plans for another album, a DVD or a live album?
We would like to come up with an EP at the late summer, playing shows anywhere we are invited. One of our live songs played in Tokyo can be found besides some great bands such as 'Bane', 'Shai Hulud' on a DVD come out in may by Alliance-Trax. By the time you guys will be fed up with our first album, the second one will come into existence!
Since you are from Hungary, Sziget festival this year?
Yeah, it’s good to mention the Sziget fest… all you guys have take your holiday in august and get that fest in Budapest, cause there you are guaranteed by the best fun ever, not to say the cheap beer-food, enormous sum of beautiful Hungarian girls and boys and never the last you can check out very good bands, for example The Idoru!!!
Anything left for our readers?
Stay open minded and visit the very often!